Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thank You Lord, for Faithful Bishops

Father John Noe read this letter to us this evening as his homily:

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington
1310 West Main Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2048
Telephone: (859) 253-1993
Facsimile: (859) 254-6284

Faithful Citizenship statement from Bishop Ronald Gainer
October 28, 2008
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude
Apostles and Martyrs

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the months preceding Election Day, we have witnessed several elected officials who are Catholics publicly address the Church’s teaching on the grave matters of conscience formation, the inviolability of innocent human life and voting. Several of these Catholic politicians have cited the document of our United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” in a way that misrepresents the intent of the document and the authentic teaching of our Catholic Church – misrepresentations that warrant clarification.
Read the entire letter